The Tahoe Lifestyle Group Marketing Plan

…but didn't think was possible. Like, having selling options. Like, getting the highest offer. Like, never needing to stress about what's around the corner. We've got good news: Yes, it's possible.

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30+ Google Reviews 

Our Results

Our industry experience and unsurpassed commitment to excellence differentiate us from other agents and make us your best bet to quickly and easily sell your home or help you purchase a new one. Put our talent to work for you. We welcome the opportunity to guide you through the buying and selling journey. In the end, Real Estate is about helping people, and that's what we love to do! Your home buying or selling journey depends on the company you keep. Surround yourself with experienced, trusted professionals who will guide you every step of the way.


Homes Sold


Years of Experience


Most of our listings sell within 99% of original price

Here's how we'll help you secure the right home in any market

Maybe you're working within a tight timeline, or a tight budget. Maybe you're a first time buyer. Whatever your situation, we'll make sure you win in today's market. Here's how.


First, let's get you prepared

We work with the top mortgage lenders in Arizona. We don't just email you a random lender—we're proactive in helping you navigate the process to make sure you get the best rate possible.


Tour homes, on your schedule

When you hire one of us, you hire all of us. That means that our agent's schedule will never dictate your ability to get into a property. See the homes you want to see ASAP, and take our honest opinion (and expert insight) into consideration as you do. Because of our extensive network, there's a high chance we can get you a new home that's not even on the market.


We'll get you insider info and craft a compelling offer

When you think you found the one, we'll be relentless in gathering the data to help you create a compelling offer. At The Amy Jones Team, we only have allies. Our relationship with other agents give our clients a strong advantage when it comes to submitting an offer that makes it easy for the seller to say yes.


Pass the champagne and toast to your new home

A lot of offers don't get accepted. Ours do. Once this happens, we'll line up everything around the inspection, appraisal, mortgage, and more to ensure a smooth transaction.


Our marketing is nonstop

When you work with The Tahoe Lifestyle Group, we'll execute an advanced digital marketing strategy to make the right buyer fall in love with your home fast.

Compelling Content

No detail is too small—we even strategize which order to present your photos in. We'll highlight the most impressive features and amenities to give potential buyers an exclusive look into what it'd be like to live there

Advanced Advertising

We run targeted Facebook ads, Instagram posts, and even YouTube pre-roll ads to go along with the normal MLS and print and media to make sure that your listings get the most eyes possible on them.

Massive Distribution

A lot of agents can create compelling content. Not a lot of agents can distribute it properly. This is what sets The Amy Jones Team apart. We've spent hundreds of hours studying these platforms, and know how to target the right buyer demographic.

Don't wait to start the process

Whether you want to buy now or months from now, it's a smart idea to make a plan. Just tell us a bit about yourself, and a team member will reach out shortly.

We are just a call away.

Thank you for reaching out!

We'll get in touch with you soon.